This post expands upon my previous posts on Limited Scope Representation - What Is It? and Limited Scope Representation & Settlement....
Month: July 2017
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Limited Scope Representation & Settlement
This post expands upon my previous post on Limited Scope Representation. Limited scope representation means hiring an attorney to provide...
Unenforceable Agreements to Agree & Family Law
In Maryland, "agreements to agree" are generally unenforceable. For a contact to exist, the terms must be "sufficiently definite". If the...
What Will Litigation Cost?
The question asked in every initial consultation when suit has been filed or when settlement seems uncertain. And, a question clients...
Growing Support for Same Sex Marriage, But Why is Same Sex Adultery in Doubt?
A recent Pew Research study shows that support of same sex marriage is at an all time high. So, why is there still doubt in Maryland about...