What is a Right of First Refusal for Parenting Time? It is the other parent's right to spend time with the children if you are unavailable to be with them during your scheduled time. It obligates you to offer that time to the other parent before arranging for a...
Customizing Your Case
Limited Scope Representation – How to Define the Scope of Services?
Limited Scope Representation allows a client to hire an attorney to do some, but not all work, in the case. Limited Scope Representation is a combination of attorney representation and the client's self-representation. It is an opportunity to contain costs...
Limited Scope Representation – Is this the Right Choice for You?
Limited Scope Representation allows a client to hire an attorney to do some, but not all work, in the case. This is a combination of attorney representation and self-representation. This post focuses on litigated court cases. Before deciding if Limited Scope...
Customizing Your Case – Summer
This post expands on earlier posts: What is Child Custody? and in the Customizing Your Case series on Physical Custody & Parenting Time, Legal Custody, Parenting Time Schedules, and Holidays. Summertime…A break from life as usual. So, too,...
Customizing Your Case – Holidays
This post expands on earlier posts: What is Child Custody?, Customizing Your Case – Physical Custody & Parenting Time, Customizing Your Case – Legal Custody, and Customizing Your Case - Parenting Time Schedules. Holidays are special...
Customizing Your Case – Parenting Time Schedules
This post expands on earlier posts: What is Child Custody?, Customizing Your Case – Physical Custody & Parenting Time, and Customizing Your Case - Legal Custody. Physical custody involves where a child lives, when a child spends time...
Customizing Your Case – Legal Custody
This post expands on earlier posts: What is Child Custody? and Customizing Your Case – Physical Custody & Parenting Time Legal custody involves decisions about health, education, and religious upbringing of a child. It is also called decision...
At What Age Can A Child Choose With Which Parent to Live?
In short, at no age does a child in Maryland get to choose to live with a parent. As long as a child is under the age of 18, a child does not have a legal right to decide where or with whom he or she will live. A few laws give children rights at certain ages, but...
Customizing Your Case – Physical Custody & Parenting Time
This post expands on an earlier post: What is Child Custody? Physical custody involves where a child lives, when a child spends time with each parent, and any conditions. Physical custody is also called residential custody or parenting time. It...
What is Child Custody?
In Maryland, child custody has two main parts: physical custody and legal custody. Physical custody involves where a child lives, when a child spends time with each parent, and any conditions. Physical custody is also called residential custody or...
What Will Litigation Cost?
The question asked in every initial consultation when suit has been filed or when settlement seems uncertain. And, a question clients should ask throughout the attorney-client relationship. The truthful, but dissatisfying, answer: It depends. It depends upon you, the...
What Will Settlement Cost?
The question asked in every initial consultation. And, a question clients should ask throughout the attorney-client relationship. The truthful, but dissatisfying, answer: It depends. It depends upon you, the other person, the other attorney, and the complexity of your...