The question asked in every initial consultation when suit has been filed or when settlement seems uncertain. And, a question clients should ask throughout the attorney-client relationship. The truthful, but dissatisfying, answer: It depends. It depends upon you, the...
Limited Scope Representation
What Will Settlement Cost?
The question asked in every initial consultation. And, a question clients should ask throughout the attorney-client relationship. The truthful, but dissatisfying, answer: It depends. It depends upon you, the other person, the other attorney, and the complexity of your...
Whether and When to Involve an Attorney in Mediation
Many couples choose mediation to resolve their family matters. Mediation gives you control over who facilitates the settlement discussion, over how to structure and pace the process, and – most importantly – over the outcome. Mediation can be efficient and...
Hiring an Attorney – What to Consider?
Hiring an attorney means putting your trust in someone to advocate for you, your family, and your future on the unfamiliar path of divorce and custody. It is a stressful journey, arising from a difficult and challenging family situation. When you may feel like your...
The Cost of Custody
Every client wants to know what their case will cost, whether an amicable settlement or highly contested litigation. You only control your side of things - choices you and your attorney make and how you and your attorney react to choices of the other parent. This...
Initial Consultations
An initial consultation with an attorney can feel like there is no turning back. Because, amidst the chaos of your family situation, meeting with an attorney is concrete and real. Like you've set something in motion. This fear can keep a person from reaching...
The Value of Settlement
There are many ways to resolve a family matter, with settlement being but one. Statistically, most cases settle. Some are settlement-headed from the start, while others settle during litigation. What is a settlement? A settlement is an agreement between two people...