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30-Minute Complimentary Consultation (240) 399-7900
30-Minute Complimentary Consultation (240) 399-7900
Limited scope representation means hiring an attorney to provide services for some, but not all, tasks involved in your legal matter. Limited scope representation services are available both in court cases/litigation and outside of any court case (so, for settlement, advice, or drafting services only, whether a suit has been filed or not).
In litigation, clients have the choice of full-service representation (meaning the attorney participates in all parts of the court case) or limited scope representation (meaning some, but not all parts). If you feel like you need some legal help with your family law matter, but don’t need an attorney to represent you from start to finish, limited scope representation may be right for your needs. Contact me to find out more.
The benefit of limited scope representation is that you can pay for only the services you need, so it’s important that everyone must be on the same page. It’s important for the terms to be carefully defined, especially when there is an existing court case, so you and your attorney have clear expectations about each of your responsibilities. Some courts require the attorney and client to submit a written acknowledgement specifically identifying the limited services to be performed.
For example, limited scope representation in litigation might involve an attorney representing the client at one hearing, or only for certain court-ordered services (like mediation or a settlement conference).
In settlement, clients have the choice of full-service representation (meaning, from start to end, in all parts of the settlement process) or limited scope representation (meaning some, but not all parts). In limited scope, the client takes on more responsibility for certain parts of the settlement process—whether doing more of the information gathering, more negotiation, or attending mediation without an attorney. Again, it is important to define expectations of the representation so responsibilities are clear.
Representation can also be limited to settlement only; if settlement efforts are unsuccessful, the attorney would not represent the client in court. The scope of representation can be revisited, redefined, and expanded as the client’s needs or circumstances change.
Before deciding whether limited scope is right for you, talk to an attorney about all of your options, the advantages and disadvantages of each, cost, and the proposed scope of services. It’s also important to understand the attorney’s willingness to enter a limited scope arrangement, so you can make educated decisions.
I welcome opportunities to provide clients with limited scope representation when that is in their best interests and can reasonably achieve their specific needs and goals.
To learn more about the option for you and your circumstances, check out my blog or contact me to schedule a consultation.
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